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After working for a firm representing Guilford Glazer and his graduating UCLA law school, Jim received a phone call from Guilford asking to meet with him, at which point Guilford offered Jim a job as his righthand man and telling him they can have a great time working together while also doing some good in the world. Some 50 plus years later, Jim is honored and proud to say that he has been blessed to work with Guilford and Diane for so long, to have been able to call Guilford and Diane two of his closest friends, and to be left in a position, as the former CEO and Chairman of the Board of the Foundation, to ensure that Diane and Guilford’s charitable wishes are achieved and to keep his legacy alive.

Jim is one of the two founding board members and continues to serve in that role helping to oversee the charitable giving of the Foundation. Since stepping down as CEO and Chairman of the Board, Jim and his wife Nancy consult with the Foundation to provide guidance and insight. When Jim is not providing services for the Foundation, he enjoys exercising and spending time with Nancy, his wife of 57 years as of 2023, his children, and three grandchildren.

Jim Krasne

Jim Krasne

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