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Bill commenced his employment with Guilford Glazer in 1991 and was privileged to be mentored by Guilford and Jim Krasne in all aspects of Guilford’s business, which led Bill to working with them in overseeing all business endeavors. Since Guilford’s death in December of 2014, Jim Krasne and he jointly made all business decisions for Guilford and Diane’s estate and then the Foundation. Bill, along with Jim, were the two founding board members of the Foundation. On January 1, 2023, Bill became the CEO and Chairman of the Board for the Foundation and all its entities.

When Guilford and Diane Glazer created their first charitable foundation in 1997, Bill and Jim worked with Diane and Guilford in creating and assisting with their charitable endeavors. Through this process Bill became intimately aware of their charitable interests and desires.
Over the years Guilford, Diane and Bill built a very close relationship. Bill feels honored to be able to help Diane and Guilford achieve their charitable desires.

On a personal level, Bill enjoys spending time with his wife, their three children, their dog, and close friends. Bill also loves sports, traveling, exercising, scuba diving, hiking, and finding new restaurants to try.


Bill Neiman

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